Project phase change notification

Keeping your team informed and in the loop with project phase change notifications will ensure everyone is on the same page and accountability is clear. They will always know when changes are happening and can easily adjust their priorities. This will help your team be more productive, efficient, and accountable.

Notification 1 of 10
{{project_name}} has moved from {{previous_phase}} to {{new_phase}}.
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1 second ago
{{project_name}} has moved from {{previous_phase}} to {{n...
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Project completion notificationTask deadline reminderTask reassignment notificationProject deadline reminderProject extension notificationProject start notificationProject pause notificationProject resume notificationProject archive notificationTask archive notificationProject deletion notificationTask deletion notificationProject member addition notificationProject member removal notificationTask member assignment notificationTask member removal notificationProject progress update notificationTask progress update notificationProject budget update notificationProject scope change notificationTask priority change notificationProject priority change notificationProject status update notificationTask status update notificationProject team update notificationTask team update notificationProject owner change notificationTask owner change notificationProject access change notificationTask access change notificationProject version release notificationTask version release notificationProject comment update notificationTask comment update notificationProject attachment update notificationTask attachment update notificationProject data update notificationTask data update notificationProject metrics update notificationTask metrics update notificationProject performance update notificationTask performance update notificationProject resource update notificationTask resource update notificationProject timeline update notificationTask timeline update notificationProject summary update notificationTask summary update notificationTask re openedTask status updateTask comment addedTask attachment addedTask dependency updatedTask priority changedProject progress updateProject attachment addedProject budget updateProject goal updateTeam member status updateTeam project assignedTeam project completedTeam progress updateTeam comment addedTeam attachment addedClient project assignedClient project completedClient project progress updateClient comment addedClient attachment addedClient invoice sentClient invoice paidClient feedback receivedVendor project assignedVendor project completedVendor project progress updateVendor comment addedVendor attachment addedVendor invoice receivedVendor invoice paidVendor feedback sentSystem updateSystem maintenance scheduleProject creation/update notificationProject team member addition/removal notificationTask comment notificationProject comment notificationTask attachment added/removed notificationProject attachment added/removed notificationProject status change notificationTask due date change notificationProject start date change notificationTask estimated time change notificationProject budget change notificationTask dependency change notificationProject dependency change notificationTask subtask creation/update notificationTask check in/check out notificationProject restore notificationTask restore notificationTask unassignment notificationProject team member role change notificationTask recurring reminder notificationProject recurring reminder notificationTask reminder snooze notificationProject reminder snooze notificationTask reminder dismissed notificationProject reminder dismissed notificationProject member invitation acceptance/rejection notificationTask blocked/unblocked notificationProject blocked/unblocked notificationTask time tracking start/stop notificationProject time tracking start/stop notificationTask time tracking update notificationProject time tracking update notificationTask time tracking approval/rejection notificationProject time tracking approval/rejection notificationTask time tracking summary notificationProject time tracking summary notificationTask time tracking billable/non billable notificationProject time tracking billable/non billable notificationTask commented onTask status updatedTask moved to a different projectProject invite acceptedProject invite declinedProject invite expiredProject member updatedTeam updatedTeam member updatedTeam invite acceptedTeam invite declinedTeam invite expiredTeam sharedMilestone overdueBudget createdBudget underutilizedTime log addedTime log updated.New project assignedProject updatesTask updatesNew team member added to projectProject archiveTask archiveProject reactivatedTask reactivatedTask status changeNew comment on taskNew comment on projectProject reassignedInvitation to join projectInvitation to join taskTask budget updateProject scope updateTask scope updateProject priority changeTask priority changeProject deadline extensionTask deadline extensionProject start date changeTask start date changeProject end date changeTask end date changeProject scope reductionTask scope reductionProject scope expansionTask scope expansionProject budget increaseTask budget increaseProject budget decreaseTask budget decreaseReminder to update project progressReminder to update task progressTask completed notificationTask delayed notificationNew project created notificationProject archived notificationProject reactivated notificationProject deleted notificationComment added to task notificationComment added to project notificationFile added to task notificationFile added to project notificationTeam member added to project notificationTeam member removed from project notificationPrivate message received notificationTask assigned to a team notificationProject shared with team notificationProject shared with external user notificationUser mentioned in a comment notificationUser mentioned in a task description notificationUser mentioned in a project description notificationTask deadline extended notificationProject deadline extended notificationDaily task summary notificationDaily project summary notificationWeekly task summary notificationWeekly project summary notificationMonthly task summary notificationMonthly project summary notificationNew project request notificationProject request approved notificationProject request denied notificationNew team member joining notificationTeam member leaving notificationNew feature added notificationMaintenance scheduled notificationMaintenance completed notificationSystem updates notificationBilling plan update notificationBilling payment received notificationBilling payment failed notificationAccount suspension notification